dinsdag 23 november 2010

Introducing LoudSauce Alpha

Recently a new Crowdfunding platform named LoudSauce entered the Crowdfunding arena with a somewhat deviating mission as one would expect from a Crowdfunding platform. Nevertheless the idea is spot on and this application of Crowdfunding is considerably different from others and therefore worth writing about.
So what is that sets LoudSauce apart from other Crowdfunding platforms? According to their mission statement, LoudSauce is the first Crowdfunded media buying platform that lets users spread the word about ideas that matter. As many inspiring projects and organizations have limited awareness and poor marketing. LoudSauce believes that Crowdfunded media buying can bridge this marketing gap by reaching new audiences beyond the social networks of those organizations. But are they right?

To some extent, I think they are. Their focus on inspiring projects and organizations makes it easier for possible believers (mainstream public) to relate to specific campaigns on their platform. Thereby the direct link with the real world (i.e. the direct results Crowdfunders can experience once their campaign is out there) must yield more satisfaction among believers, stimulating the dispersion of the service.  

Their hypothesis; that funding advertising maximizes believers impact by reaching completely new communities for believers their favorite causes seems to be valid. Although the actual results for the campaign owners are debatable (at least from a marketing perspective), the concept on itself embraces a more individualistic approach towards charity/good causes and also links direct real world results to online actions, something charities always have been struggling with. The only question marks are the actual funding targets as advertising space is expensive, they will need a considerable Crowd to lift their idea to a full-fledged marketing funding machine.

Despite the disadvantage above I do believe in their approach and I’m sure we will hear more about their developments. For everyone who wants to try LoudSauce, there are two campaigns already live…check it out and let us know what you think!

Kind regards,

Thomas Crowd


woensdag 17 november 2010

Mandatory Reading: The Crowdfunding Revolution: Social Networking Meets Venture Financing

Six months ago I wrote a blogpost titled “ Your Crowdfunding Library - A must have knowledge base for Crowdfunders " . In my opinion still a good starting point for someone considering getting involved with Crowdfunding. Some of the readers rightly pointed out that most of the books were more focused on Crowdsourcing than Crowdfunding - and they were right!

Fortunately for everybody interested in Crowdfunding, Kevin Lawton and Dan Marom recently published a book titled “The Crowdfunding Revolution: Social Networking Meets Venture Financing” . In two parts Lawton & Marom provide readers with an insightful analysis of the Crowdfunding industry, the current regulatory difficulties, current initiatives and the future of Crowdfunding becoming a mainstream funding instrument.

The book is thoughtfully written and provides the reader with the necessary tools to interpret the modern Crowdfunding industry in its noticeably unsettled state. Lawton and Marom's comprehensive approach towards current initiatives in the first part proves to be valuable for persons considering undertaking a Crowdfunding campaign. Whereas the second part of the book ,where they envision the future of the Crowdfunding industry, holds valuable lessons for current initiatives already active in the domain.

Concluding that “The Crowdfunding Revolution: Social Networking Meets Venture Financing” is the first book in its kind - it should be on the mandatory reading list for everybody active in the industry or for everyone who’s planning to be. The complete book holds many hands-on tips and provides an extended theoretical case for Crowdfunding as a mainstream financing instrument.

On behalf of the whole industry thanks for this great read!

Kind regards,



Find your Crowd! Fund your Film!

If you are a filmmaker of any level or type, you'll want to make sure to join the upcoming online event, THE CROWDFUNDING SUCCESS SUMMIT (Clikc on "Documentary How to") on December 5th, 2010.

Crowdfunding has emerged as one of the most exciting developments in Independent Filmmaking recently, but there is a lot of confusion about which platform to choose and how to set up campaign parameters to ensure success. Many crowdfunding campaigns struggle to meet their dollar targets and it can be really frustrating for filmmakers to see the promise but not to reach the goal. Now you can break through that confusion and get to success!

The Crowdfunding Success Summit will lay out the 7 STRATEGIES FOR CROWDFUNDING SUCCESS, and will give you many ways to guide your campaign to its goals and even beyond. Expert guests will present key information in every aspect of Crowdfunding, all online, so that you can attend from anywhere in the world. No travel required! You'll just need a computer and an internet connection. And the Summit will be recorded, so if you're not available on the 5th, you can view the Summit for up to one year.

The price for the Summit is phenomenally affordable so that everyone can participate. A very small investment in this Summit could potentially have huge returns for you. And not just on one film, but on every film you make from here on out. And, the Summit content is applicable to any stage of filmmaking and any genre of film.

So, join in on THE CROWDFUNDING SUCCESS SUMMIT! The price is 30% off through December 1st, to give you an extra chance to get in on this amazing opportunity to move yourself and your filmmaking forward.

Thanks and hope to "see" you at the Summit on December 5th, 2010! I will be there for sure.

You can buy your Summit pass here.


Thomas Crowd